Saturday, May 24, 2008

This week in a flash

The week started off as slow as could be. The kids were healthy and we had some fun stuff planned for the end of the week. School is almost out and I'm excited to start all the summer fun stuff.

Wednesday night, we had cub scout pack meeting where Elias received his Bear patch, which had recently earned. It was a well put together meeting and the families all had a great time. Eva and I were instructed on where we will be sitting and when we will be coming in for a production that we are a part of......more on that later. Needless to say, it was a late night.

Thursday morning, Saul didn't want to go to school, he said he didn't feel well and had a stomach ache. Being the good mom that I am, I gave him a Pepto tablet and sent him on his way telling him that if he just couldn't hack it at school, go to the nurse and I would come and get him. Well, around 10 am I get a call that Saul has a little fever and doesn't feel well. Long story short, I picked him up and ran to town to get bandaids----more later, and some plants and top soil. He was feeling a little tired but was otherwise normal acting.

I came home and took his temp--normal--he helped me build a garden box for our plants and get all the stuff planted in it. I should have been clued a little more when he spent most of the time sitting on a rock, asking if he could help and not up in my face with a hammer insisting.....but anyway....

We picked Elias up from school and Saul fell asleep in the car. When we got home around 3:30, his fever was up to 103. I dosed him up and gave him liquids. by about 5 pm, it was 104.7, too close to 105 and danger zone. I iced him down and dosed him up again. Well, long story short, his fever never actually broke, it went down to about 102 during the night, but no lower.

I called the dr. Friday morning and we went in. Mind you, I had been checking him for other symptoms and did some research on the computer, all I came up with was possibly meningitis. Not what I wanted to hear! But, was something else. By the time we arrived at the dr. office, he had a rash starting on his chest and abdomen. I don't like rashes. Diagnosis---Scarlatina--better known as Scarlet fever. Not what I wanted to have this weekend. We have High school graduations and a big family gathering on Saturday. Dr. said he had to be quarantined for 24 hours after his first dose of meds. Not fun!

That put graduation out. I stayed home with the kids while Chad went. It was his brother, Jacob, graduating anyway. So, now we are really rashy but not as feverish. We will hopefully be able to salvage some of the weekend.......We will see.


Sarah said...

Poor little guy! I hope Saul gets feeling better really soon and that none of your other kids (or you and Chad) get the fever. Yuck!

David said...

so sorry! We'll keep you in our prayers!