The other day, we had to go to Kathy's office to look at some things. While there, Elias was playing with some magnetic word strips. The sentence he made was "The answer to victory and success is time."
If you think about it, that is pretty profound! I told him that was true, my true victory and success is how the kids turn out. I hope they will be good citizens and that they will love and live the gospel. So, that does in fact come back around to the profound statement that Elias came up with, because it really is determined by the amount of time I spend with them.
The kids have been enjoying the summer, I have enjoyed it for the most part. They love being outside and now that Eva rides a two wheeler well, they are off riding bikes most of the morning. They have been pretty good about doing their chores, all things considered, and helpful with other things I ask them to do.
Tuesday, we went to a political rally for a man running for county judge. Before they blessed the food, the politician led the audience in the Pledge of Allegiance. Elias' voice was loud and clear. He is
definitely proud to be an American! He got a lot of looks and smiles. He even got a high five from one man after the Pledge was over. He isn't embarrassed to let people know what he thinks and feels! I am really proud of him. Saul said the Pledge well too, he just has a softer voice an wasn't heard as Elias was. Amazing kids!
I have signed them up for the summer reading program. They have been reading/being read to now and they like it very much. That is about all that is going on here for now. Maybe something interesting will happen today and the next post will be more interesting!