Monday, August 18, 2008

A snake bite!

I took the kids to school this morning as I usually do the first day. We left about 7:15 and Jesse and I returned home around 7:45. I found Bitsy with a very swollen face. It was a little scary. I didn't know what had happened as she was fine before we left.

I called the vet and they said it was probably a snake bite or a bite from some other animal. I took her into the animal hospital and the Dr. looked at her and said "snake bite, probably copperhead".

That makes me very nervous because I have little wild ones that like to play outside. I will just have to be more vigilant when they are out.

So here are some really sad pictures of her. I hope she has learned to leave snakes alone!

Her head and nose are normally quite thin. Poor little dog!

Ah, school time again

Here are the little cuties~Elias has grown so much! It is really noticeable in this picture.

Jesse is excited to start his school too. He loves to cut and paste and use markers and crayons. I have a curriculum for him that I think he will do well with.

It is Eva's first day of school. She has Miss Lackey~the boys both had her for 1st grade, but she now teaches kindergarten. She is excited but a little nervous.

Saul is not really excited about school. He would rather stay home and play all day. He has Mrs. Ghassimi this year for second grade. He is looking forward to seeing his friends and spending some time with them again.

Elias was counting down the hours until he returned to school. He is in fourth grade and his classes are in a different hallway. He is excited to have an actual science class and not just a little portion of the class be about science. His home room teacher is Mrs. Treat. I'm sure he will have a great year.

Talk about busy....

This is from the back side of the car port. We spent all of Saturday putting up the walls and making, and putting up the roof trusses.

Here is the side/front view with the trusses up. It wasn't really too bad just a long day! Chad and I cut and put together all the trusses and then Les and Jacob came up and helped us put them all in place.

And finally, here is 'worker boy'--so named by Jesse himself. He loved handing up nails and braces. He felt like such a big helper.