Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I have to share this in light of Dave and Karen's new pet.

My kids love snakes and lizards and all that stuff. We have a large black snake that is living under the rocks at the back corner of the house. I have threatened the kids that if they move, even on rock, they will be in so much far no one has moved any rocks

So, driving up the road to get the boys yesterday there was a three ft long black snake lying across the road. So, I do what any good mother should do: OOH, look! There is a huge snake on the road, quick take off your seatbelts and lets get out and look at it. Eva and Jesse were very eager to see it. It was a pretty thing. Jesse wanted to pet it, but we were in a hurry. I just get a stick and nudged it along. Jesse was impressed at how fast it slithered away, and sad that I hadn't caught it for him.

We got the boys and the kids told them about the snake. Saul was really upset with me. You want to know why?!? Well, he just couldn't understand why I let the snake go, why didn't I just catch it and put it in the back of the van so he could see it and bring it home to keep for a while......hmmm, I just don't know....... (they have an aquarium that they sometimes keep things like that in) So, he finally got over the whole 'no snake' thing and we carried on with life.

So, Karen, if my kids had been around when that snake was found, you can almost guarantee that the little sucker would have spent a few days, at least, in my house! Ah, the joys of living in the country with boys!

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

When did you get a dog?!