Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween--not my favorite time of year

Okay, I admit. Halloween is not my favorite time of year. I don't know if it is the scariness of it, or what, but I don't like it. I don't like dressing up and feeling silly, so I just let the kids do it. Saul wasn't going to dress up this year. I guess my attitude was rubbing off a little. I finally talked him into wearing the vampire cape and some plastic teeth he got from his school party. I don't think he was really happy with the dress up part but the candy was a real hit for him.

We went to the school and trick-or-treated around the classrooms and then to the church for the chili supper and trunk-or-treating the hold there every year. The kids ended up with more candy than any kid needs. Chad will have to take care of a lot of it......

All-in-all the evening was nice. The kids had a great time and went to bed without too much ordeal.

looking off in the distance.

Our vampire
The princess..... full of sparkles
painted pumpkin
the serious

Those two posing before the face painting began. They were happy to be in costume and even happier at the thought of the loads of candy they happened to least 10 lbs. each! I'm going to have to dispose of some of it somewhere.....

I have a wish for a new camera. That is what I'm saving for next! This one just doesn't take good pictures.

1 comment:

David said...

I'm sensing that the little princess here may be a bit of a heart breaker as the years go on. Love the costumes! Karen and I really didn't have to implement the "daddy and mommy tax" this year. The kids freely gave of their abundance.